Saturday, November 28, 2020

"I heard it with my own ears, but I'm broken!"

I keep on keeping on during a period when everything everywhere seems to be broken and out of sorts. I keep on keeping on. I'm not going to stop now; I must keep on keeping on. Just to be clear, if I quit now, what would it accomplish? I gotta continue on The Way. I prepared well for this journey that's ahead of me. It doesn't matter if in mind, body, and spirit I'm broken. I must keep on keeping on. I heard it with my own ears. You see, you can continue no matter what situation, no matter what challenge, no matter what pain you carry. You can keep on keeping on. I heard it with my own ears, but I'm broken. I will continue to keep on keeping on all my days. I prepared well for this journey. When I don't think that time to be it, 'my comfort will come!' you won't ever find me without an identity. "I'm wide awake!" My gaze just keeps on keeping on deep into the night. I can smell it as my lamps keep on burning bright. "Look!" Being broken is real. I recall hearing it from many with my own ears. But what I'm trying to show you is, you can keep on keeping on even though you have been beaten down by a lousy spirit, breathing air that could if you let it destroy a whole body with its spirit in that valley called Hinnom. Is it possible to be broken but keep on keeping on? "Yes!" Look at me. I'm doing it now. "I can't stop, I won't stop!" This route is not without confrontation. But if you could come along, I could adjust my pace along the path. I could show you how to gain strength and follow "The Way!" You're going to be amazed at His 'unexpected ways' as He guides us by spirit. The sunlight and moonlight speed towards that particular day. "Are you coming?" I gotta keep on keeping on although I'm broken. This is my path; though cramped, I will not divert to a different channel.

Friday, November 13, 2020

"Why would you say; 'you thought,' I was depressed?" "Maybe I am!"

I know; I heard it too. 'Isn't that supposed to be your best friend?' I thought so also. I'm not alarmed. Sometimes people think they know you more than you know yourself. Of course, they are usually unlettered and lack experience and empathy. In fact, "what have I done on your behalf!?" "Did I not build you up!?" "Did I not encourage you daily!?" "Did I not set you before my own body!?" "When did I delay when you called for me!?" "When did I not stand up for you!?" "When did I ever turn aside from you!?" "What did I do when we first met!? 'I embrace you,' did I not!?" "What did I do when you told me everything!? 'I cried with you.' Did I not!?" "What did I give you when we both had nothing!? Was it not 'my love and friendship' that pulled us through!?" "Why, then, 'did you say!'" "You thought I was depressed!" "Maybe I am!"

Thursday, November 5, 2020

"That circle!" "Are you in it!?"

"That Circle!;" "Are you in it!?" "Why?"Because this is where the happenings are. I don't have to know anyone, but I can hear everything as I go about my way. "I love that!" It appears like I know everyone. But that doesn't matter; I'm not the 'Black hat' they are! The association, though, does it affect you? Why should I let it? I do just enough to get me what I need. I don't see any harm in that. Many probably would beg to differ, but who I'm I to say so? But not yourself? Quite frankly, my friend, you were only born with one face, not two. Why do you have two faces? Although you may appear to be beautiful, both of your faces are unpleasant. Did you think you could walk within this circle and not become unattractive like the ones you're walking beside? Let me ask you this. Have you ever watched Animal Planet and seen a two-headed snake?
"No, of course not!" Well, my friend, "I have!" The two heads always fought one another. They couldn't figure out they belonged together. "They were out-right disagreeable with one another!" What about you? "Is that the way you feel about yourself?" "And those two faces?" That, my friend, I will leave with you to ponder. I love you as a friend. I'm not here trying to still your thunder. I think you're walking in a circle full of blunders. "Why?" When life has so many beautiful wonders.

Monday, November 2, 2020

"I'm amazed at the creation of this earthworm!"

"I'm amazed at the creation of this earthworm!" [] "I'm simply amazed!" Just look with your own eyes. Can you see the wisdom behind this design? I'm always careful not to harm them. They play a vital role in breaking down organic matter within the earth's soil. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship so that they are inexcusable. Romans 1:20. [g76 11/8 pp. 21-22]

Does it really matter in my case?

"Uhh!" I felt as if I was part of this old wooden bed, woven into its smooth silk quilted fabric, unable to break free. I wondered...