Thursday, November 5, 2020

"That circle!" "Are you in it!?"

"That Circle!;" "Are you in it!?" "Why?"Because this is where the happenings are. I don't have to know anyone, but I can hear everything as I go about my way. "I love that!" It appears like I know everyone. But that doesn't matter; I'm not the 'Black hat' they are! The association, though, does it affect you? Why should I let it? I do just enough to get me what I need. I don't see any harm in that. Many probably would beg to differ, but who I'm I to say so? But not yourself? Quite frankly, my friend, you were only born with one face, not two. Why do you have two faces? Although you may appear to be beautiful, both of your faces are unpleasant. Did you think you could walk within this circle and not become unattractive like the ones you're walking beside? Let me ask you this. Have you ever watched Animal Planet and seen a two-headed snake?
"No, of course not!" Well, my friend, "I have!" The two heads always fought one another. They couldn't figure out they belonged together. "They were out-right disagreeable with one another!" What about you? "Is that the way you feel about yourself?" "And those two faces?" That, my friend, I will leave with you to ponder. I love you as a friend. I'm not here trying to still your thunder. I think you're walking in a circle full of blunders. "Why?" When life has so many beautiful wonders.

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