Thursday, February 25, 2021

"Now that's Curiosity!"

It all just came to me like a flood. I can't even explain the joy that's exuding out of me. "Now that's Curiosity!" According to a Republic World update, it launched November 26, 2011, and landed on Mars' near Aeolis Mons in Gale Crater on August 6, 2012. Five successful landings of seven [The loss of Mars 2, and 3] I love Science! It reveals so much about creation. It has been written, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. The One who dwells above the earth's circle has stretched out the heavens like a fine gauze. —Everything that resides within the heavens is transparent. "Now that's Curiosity!" Did you see those pictures? I wonder if that's our Milkyway Galaxy? It has to be! If you haven't heard by now, you've missed a lot. First of all, we went back to Mars. This time to drill rocks and store the information for future use. "Water!" What caused the water to evaporate? "Life!" I do know this! "Everything the true God makes endures forever!" Eccl. 3:14. You see! The Bible and Science parallel before the fork in the road. My road is my road! The road leading to enduring forever with whats written. Thank you, NASA! —National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Thank you, Hubble! Thank you! I'm so looking forward to this new journey on Mars. Those sounds were somewhat kind of like a submarine. The wind and echoing were very eerie. I'm so looking forward to the Mars summit. Are they meeting to discuss how to store the deposits of future pick-ups? "Perseverance, you're up!" "You're already a hero!" I'm waiting for my next Mars relay. I wonder if I can catch anything with my telescope?

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