Saturday, December 26, 2020

"My Heart Is Full With Pity!"

"How much more can one's heart take before it breaks from observing all of the turmoil around him?" What can I do? What more can I say to bring comfort to many? "I want to!" If I reached out and touched you, would that relieve you from your heartache and pain? How could one possibly find joy from all of the World's fireworks always around him? These last days are full of fireworks amidst so much trouble and pain. "Who is the blame?" I can't help but see through it all with my mind's eye and how quickly we've arrived at the crescendo, the end of it all. My heart is full of pity, so full of compassion, even though so many may find themselves loaded down with anxiety. Is there something more than yourself you could focus on? Usually, when something is not about you, it is something bigger surrounding it. Here is where the reader uses discernment. You have found yourself deep in sorrow, but there is something more than you involved. What will you do? If you dropped your last dollar in a dark room, wouldn't you quickly grab a flashlight to search for it? How do you feel about searching for the truth about what's bigger than you in your present state? Haven't you ever wondered why there are so much sickness and death all around you? Why are there so many different Religions? Who is God? What is the Kingdom of God? Why is there Good and Evil? Why is there Truth and Lies or Right or Wrong? These are vital questions you need to find out the truth about, and then only then will you be able to see with your mind's eye what's bigger than you in your present state. What could I do other than grasp you by the hand and guide you along the way? Because, When I look, and when I see, my heart is full of pity for the vast harvest and the sea.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

"Please Don't Turn Away From Me. I'm Talking To You!"

"Please don't turn away from me. I'm talking to you!" Now is not the time to act with a stubborn attitude towards me or life. You promised you would be there when we replant "Sweetie's Palm" in the New World to come. Yes, this is 2020, but it sounds like 2070. Please tell me if you can, what are you going to do tomorrow? Is that day promised to you? "No!" But God has promised a New World Society of righteous people to live on earth very shortly. Did you know? If you read a few verses from God's word daily, you could hear God say to you the exact things that I'm saying to you right now. "Isn't that wonderful?" Here's the problem with accomplishing that as a goal, though. Ask yourself, what is a goal? In an essential term, it is a priority. It takes effort, right? Of course, it does. Always remember no one can set your goals or priorities for you. An examination of your motives is in question. Aren't you tired of saying I need to do this or that? Realistically speaking, the latter can go on for a lifetime. "Isn't it about the time [to listen to God's Word] to walk over there and stand in front of it [The Mirrior] and make the change?" Try This: Write down in your daily journal the most important things a day involves like worship, prayer, supplication, your family, your neighbors, your work, etc. Please place them in your order. Always remember to put the most important things first. You see, it takes exerting one's self to do what's right. It takes courage to put up a hard fight to accomplish meaningful goals in life. "Fight!" And go to work to keep your life on the right track. So you can be there when we replant "Sweetie's Palm" in The New World to come. "Yes, now is the time to listen!" "Please don't turn away from me. I'm talking to you!" Dedicated to a beloved sister. Lasandra Wheeler

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

"Am I Home?"

Three hundred and twenty years ago, my Ancestors were taken from their Western African home and sold to European slave traders brought to American Colonies in the South. My Ancestors were stolen from their families, and forcibly put to work on plantations in the South. Am I home!? I'm African American, an Immigrant of an enslaved people brought from their natural home in Western Africa from the 15th to the 18th Century. So that's it! Please drop the African. "I'm an American!" Why do I have to be constantly reminded I'm from an enslaved people. What's going on? First, I was Negro, Biracial, Colored! Then African-American, Black, Race 2, and now "A Person Of Color!" So I was born here as an Immigrant because my Ancestors were not allowed any freedoms until after America's Colonization. Why was the North and the South so different? Of course, the same smile of wealth still exists to this day. If you hit a man in his pocket or take away his lively hood, he'll fight or even kill. Sadly this happened during the 1739's uprising. Those were dark days indeed. My Ancestors were healthy, and they were bold! And courageous! They were sold, cold, and told. But I'm here today! My Ancestors did all they can to make sure of my survival. My Ancestors made it through. "Who were they?" [Western Africa, I wonder if I have descendants there? I know I do!] "They made it through!" I want to know more so badly. I have so many questions to ask. Where do I start? I love history. I'm an African-American, and I'm Home!

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Are you finally satisfied with your accomplishment? You arrived on the scene with all speed and spared no dollars during the process. You've left all things behind like, God, family, friends, and love. You're so bright standing in front of that spotlight. I remember you! Your mouth is as sharp as a double-edged sword. Every time it opens, it cuts someone. I remember you! You are street smart. You can talk a person out of their last dollar. I remember you! You are the one sitting on the corner who observes everything that moves. How did you do it? You've come a long way. You've spent your whole life having it your way. How did you finally come up? We'll "Walla!" What can I tell you? You have to be, and you know, somewhat selfish out there. Ain't nobody going to give you nothing I had to get it how I can get it I'm just saying. You can get it how you can get it too. You must know what you want and take it if you know what I mean. You think this spotlight is shining on me because I was nice? Nah, being nice wasn't a part of it. At what cost did you accomplish this? What do you mean, my brother, at all cost! Step back a little; I wouldn't want my spotlight to shine on you. Thank you for that. That's about the most considerate thing you've said up to this point. To each is his own. Well, you did it, "Walla!"

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

"Is it okay to cry? I did it yesterday!"

Tears are as real as all of the emotions built up inside you; they're no different from the clouds above. You like me, probably never imagined having anything in common with the clouds above. They swell to fill up and burst free. I did the same thing yesterday. For no reason, I guess it's probably a built-up cloud-ready to release a torrent of emotions inside of me. I wouldn't be alarmed because after a very long drought, everything around you seems lifeless until the drought season end and the torrents finally come. I looked up and down and then turned to the right and left and saw everything around me. "Is it okay to cry? I did it yesterday!" "When will my relief come!?" I've been sighing and crying from observing all of the things around me. Sadly I hear it too! I've listened to all of it—the moaning and groaning struggling to make it through another drought. The timing is nearer now than ever before I can fill it in the wind. I can see it in the clouds swells all around me. My emotions are raging inside of me. Is it okay to cry? I did it yesterday. Finally, the clouds burst with torrents as I did with tears. We have no more fears. This valley between The Two Mountains is full of torrents like I was with tears.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

"Another one hundred and sixty-eight!"

"Ooooh!" five Saturdays this time. I already know what I"m about to do. Yep! "Ray!" What "Ray!" You just read your mind. "You mean our mind, right, partner!" That would be my conscience speaking to me. We have these conversations daily; it seems. I love it! I'm never alone, and I always have someone to meditate upon. Don't forget your coupon, Ray. I won't; thanks for the reminder. Is there anything we need in particular? Yeah, we're starting another one hundred and sixty-eight. Let's see, the last I remember, we had one thousand sheets of printer paper. But we're not printing smarty. We're writing! Hey, I was going down the list of everything we have in the house. You asked, so I gave you a detailed list of the particulars we already have so you can decide on what we don't have. Well, thank you for dignifying me but let me do this, okay. "Whatever you say, "Ray!" Now, where was I? Oh yeah, gather supplies for another one hundred and sixty-eight. Got it! Let me get two of those number two college note pads. I'm just saying I would get four if I were you. "But you are me!" What is your problem today, partner? You know better than me, I guess. You guess. I should have left you home. "Haha. Please do next time, please. I can't wait to see how that works out for you. Okay, three of those college note pads, "partner!". Either or ither [Ither means other] either he just ignored me or didn't hear me. Let me try and say it a little louder this time. I said four of those college note pads. Yeah, I heard you, but you can buy four when you start bringing in the money after a forty-hour workweek. I should have stayed home. But you didn't because you knew how important this was for me. You mean us, right, Ray? Yeah, us partner. I [we] have to focus on writing for twenty hours this week, and you know it. Now tell me you didn't enjoy researching about the 'ferocious wild beast.' for ten hours last week. Ah, yeah, that was some in-depth information about that small horn getting bigger and bigger. I remeber, remember. I, you mean we, right? "What?" Yeah, we partner. Whatever makes you feel better. "Stamps!" Don't forget the stamps, Ray! Okay, now please go back to sleep. I'll awaken you once I start on our eleven hours of meditation and bible readings for the week. You mean we can start it, right, Ray? "AH!" "Right partner!" We can do the hourglass each day plus ten minutes. What about our four hours for the Public Talk, Watchtower Study, and Mid-Week Meetings? Slow down, partner. When we get to that, well, be ready. Hey, what do you want to do for our family worship this week, Ray? We have two hours scheduled. Hm, that's a good idea, partner. Let's watch, "Jonah!" "Alright!" Now I think I got everything. "You mean we got everything right, Ray?" "What?" Yeah, we partner, we got everything. Check out time. Hey Ray, what are you going to do with the other eighty-one hours? First of all, you mean, what are we going to do with the additional eighty-one hours? Well, partner forty hours of sleep during the week and forty-one hours of free time to use wisely. Maybe we could do some yard work or grocery shopping for the elderly. That's a great idea, Ray. No football, scrabble, or chess? Of course, there is a little time for that too, partner. Let's get some lunch. I'm starving. What do you have a taste for lunch partner? "Liver!" "What?"

Does it really matter in my case?

"Uhh!" I felt as if I was part of this old wooden bed, woven into its smooth silk quilted fabric, unable to break free. I wondered...