Saturday, December 12, 2020

"Another one hundred and sixty-eight!"

"Ooooh!" five Saturdays this time. I already know what I"m about to do. Yep! "Ray!" What "Ray!" You just read your mind. "You mean our mind, right, partner!" That would be my conscience speaking to me. We have these conversations daily; it seems. I love it! I'm never alone, and I always have someone to meditate upon. Don't forget your coupon, Ray. I won't; thanks for the reminder. Is there anything we need in particular? Yeah, we're starting another one hundred and sixty-eight. Let's see, the last I remember, we had one thousand sheets of printer paper. But we're not printing smarty. We're writing! Hey, I was going down the list of everything we have in the house. You asked, so I gave you a detailed list of the particulars we already have so you can decide on what we don't have. Well, thank you for dignifying me but let me do this, okay. "Whatever you say, "Ray!" Now, where was I? Oh yeah, gather supplies for another one hundred and sixty-eight. Got it! Let me get two of those number two college note pads. I'm just saying I would get four if I were you. "But you are me!" What is your problem today, partner? You know better than me, I guess. You guess. I should have left you home. "Haha. Please do next time, please. I can't wait to see how that works out for you. Okay, three of those college note pads, "partner!". Either or ither [Ither means other] either he just ignored me or didn't hear me. Let me try and say it a little louder this time. I said four of those college note pads. Yeah, I heard you, but you can buy four when you start bringing in the money after a forty-hour workweek. I should have stayed home. But you didn't because you knew how important this was for me. You mean us, right, Ray? Yeah, us partner. I [we] have to focus on writing for twenty hours this week, and you know it. Now tell me you didn't enjoy researching about the 'ferocious wild beast.' for ten hours last week. Ah, yeah, that was some in-depth information about that small horn getting bigger and bigger. I remeber, remember. I, you mean we, right? "What?" Yeah, we partner. Whatever makes you feel better. "Stamps!" Don't forget the stamps, Ray! Okay, now please go back to sleep. I'll awaken you once I start on our eleven hours of meditation and bible readings for the week. You mean we can start it, right, Ray? "AH!" "Right partner!" We can do the hourglass each day plus ten minutes. What about our four hours for the Public Talk, Watchtower Study, and Mid-Week Meetings? Slow down, partner. When we get to that, well, be ready. Hey, what do you want to do for our family worship this week, Ray? We have two hours scheduled. Hm, that's a good idea, partner. Let's watch, "Jonah!" "Alright!" Now I think I got everything. "You mean we got everything right, Ray?" "What?" Yeah, we partner, we got everything. Check out time. Hey Ray, what are you going to do with the other eighty-one hours? First of all, you mean, what are we going to do with the additional eighty-one hours? Well, partner forty hours of sleep during the week and forty-one hours of free time to use wisely. Maybe we could do some yard work or grocery shopping for the elderly. That's a great idea, Ray. No football, scrabble, or chess? Of course, there is a little time for that too, partner. Let's get some lunch. I'm starving. What do you have a taste for lunch partner? "Liver!" "What?"

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