Thursday, October 8, 2020

I cried, 'dry tears,' last night.

It seems as though it was just another night. I long since have given my Sweetie her goodnight kiss as she and my puppy decided to stay up a little longer. "Not me!" I was tired out again by the hot Florida sun. All I wanted to is find my pillow. I only had a few important things to do first. Number one, Floss! And number two, brush my teeth! Sweetie might want another kiss or two. I always have to be ready! "Ahhh!" Now that felt refreshing. Mm, my pillow fail behind the headboard again! "Ughh!" This mattress must weigh a thousand pounds, and it's so hard to move. How does a pillow fall so easily behind there? Don't know, but I 'v got it again as I try to move this heavy mattress back in place. Oh boy! Now my pillows are in place. "Aaah!" Finally, I could rest up a bit. Suddenly, after all of that movement, my body didn't feel so sleepy anymore. I wonder why? Strange, maybe it thought I was going back to work something, oh well. I thought for a moment and thought about television, but I quickly said no to that in a hurry. [What would Sweetie say? Probably, "I thought you were going to bed" or something like that] What about cell phone scrabble? Nah, too much thinking for that challenge. For a moment, I thought I developed insomnia. Something strange was happening to me for sure. Then all of a sudden, I felt overwhelmed with emotions. I wasn't even watching a tear-jerking movie. How could a man! 6 foot and four inches tall be overwhelmed with emotions? I guess it happens. But there are no tears on my face as it feels as dry as a piece of paper. I will research this unusual episode for sure. Tomorrow I will start with the Awake and Watchtower magazines first. [I might find a life story similar to my own] If I asked Google, they might pull up a shrink. When I awake in the morning, I could tell Sweetie. I cried, 'dry tears,' last night.

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