Saturday, October 31, 2020

"My family and I live here!; 'In the valley between The Two Mountains!'"

"My family and I live here!; 'In the valley between the two Mountains!'" "For over 450 years now!" The earth is beautiful. It's truly a "paradise!" The knowledge of Jehovah has undoubtedly filled the whole earth. The teaching and learning coming from 'Ramapo!' are fantastic! All of the resurrections have been completed for about 100 years now, and here it was. We all use to think Enoch was going to be last. He's our "Chieftain!" It was in the Spring on the 9th day of Abib. The year was 2470 C.E. It was time to gather to read from the Scroll and reflect on "Obedience!" The blessings here are incredible. We're always looking ahead. And caring for our families, our learning neighbors, and the earth. One of my learning neighbors from the fourth century. "That's! 400 C.E." Yeah, he heard of Jesus, he said he has seen a picture of Jesus with a beard and looking frail him and his Apostles. I listened carefully and wrote down every detail as to what was in his heart. I put a circle around he heard of Jesus. I wanted to be sure the other 32 teachers were aware of this fact. I wanted to start straight away with how boldly Jesus taught. I quickly pulled up a video on my 25 inch J.W. Video Pad we just got from Ramapo, showing how courageous Jesus was during his Life and Ministry while on earth. He quickly removes frail from his vocabulary and agrees that the picture was a false representation of Jesus. Progression was the key! 8 learning neighbors did not progress and were transferred or died. "Ah!" Life here is lovely. There is peace amongst us all, and food is everywhere. We all speak the same language and serve the same God. Hi, there is Azariah, Hananiah, and Mishael. Hi Ray, Have you seen Daniel? Yes, Prince Azariah, he's with Enoch just beyond those Broom trees. May you continue to live on forever, Ray. Thank you, Prince Azariah. Oh, I'm getting a video message from JW Ooogle. Hi John, Brother Bones, how are you today? I feel great! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping to mow today. I want to be there, Ray. But I'm meeting with Mephibosheth at half-past two today. But If you could, that would be great. I would love to! Brother Bones. Would after lunch be okay? I could let Sweetie know I'll be mowing grass by then. Very well, my brother, may you continue to 'dwell forever in this valley between the two mountains.' I could go on forever If I related "Jehovah's Victory!" at Armageddon utilizing his 'anointed King,' "Jesus Christ!" I remember that day during the "Great Tribulation." You could feel that at any moment, it would happen. The events happened so fast, although we all expected it to happen. False Religion was burned with fire and "destroyed!" "Sweetie!" beat me to it and exclaimed, "This is it!" and sure enough, 'it was!' Though days were tough back then. "It took a courageous effort!" We always drew strength from reflecting on God's word, the Bible. Our faithful friends also proved to a strengthing aid to us as we were to them. We remembered Isaiah 30:15b, which stated, "Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust." "Oh, how we trusted Jehovah's wisdom and not our own." "Obedience was the 'key!'" I remembered King Saul's lousy example, and its disastrous consequences it brought him and his whole household. I remembered from The Watchtower magazine how Courageous Jesus' apostles were when the Jewish Supreme Court ordered the Apostles to stop preaching; they were not intimidated. Instead, they boldly declared: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." Acts 5:29. I remember vividly coming home that day from out in the ministry 'speaking a bold message!' [I thought of Jonah but knew this was the last chance for the people I was speaking to]. "Breaking News!" The Marriage of the Lamb is taking place. The events outside were terrible. "The Nations had enough of Jehovah's Witnesses and their message and had devised an evil plan to eliminate us all!" We were all isolated to a single location in a triangle battle formation with Brother Bones at its point. The door swung open, and there we were face to face with "Gog of MaŹ¹gog!" "Our God is strong!" "He is Jehovah of Armies!" All we saw was a bright light, and "Gog of Ma'gog!" was gone from before us. That was undoubtedly an unexpected act! Although they knew [Those who stayed "the force of fire"] as we did, that, 'Our God could save us.' And he did! "He did!" You see, time waits for no one. While there is still time, wouldn't you and your family love to live under the loving direction of "God's Kingdom?" I am so thankful to live here with my wife "Sweetie" and our six children Roland, Alex, Robbie, Joslin, Josephine, and Ray jr. "In the valley between the two Mountains." "Sweetie!" I got a video message from Brother Bones; I volunteered to mow grass after lunch. I'll ask Ray jr. if he would like to come along. The other children should be coming back from Ramapo, Eastern territory, tomorrow. That smells delicious, what is it? Quail roasted garlic and Almonds. Miriam, Moses' sister, gave it to me yesterday when we were picking apples in the field. I can hardly wait to taste it. I'll call Ray jr. now. "Ray" lunch! Okay, dad. Mm, what is it, Dad? I could smell it a mile away—quail in roasted garlic and Almonds. I could hardly wait to taste it. I said the same thing, Ray. "Hey, I'm mowing grass after lunch; would you like to come?" No way, Dad, I'm going sailing. That sounds great! Have fun! Now let's get into moms cooking.

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