Wednesday, October 21, 2020

"That tree; is my favorite!"

Front and center, it stood, that day as we were out my wife and me, when we both noticed it as we were driving up the narrow hill on a cozy winding County Road in Leesburg, Florida that day. It felt like a gloomy day as the weather was mild and not as sunny but somewhat cloudy in mid-April on that Saturday morning as we continued our searching for a new place to call home again. As we neared the top of the hill, we both had the same look on our faces as our GPS navigation system stated, "your destination is on the left in a quarter of a mile." It felt like driving around a giant lake with a beautiful tree in the center of everything. "you have arrived at your destination as we turned off the long winding County Road at the top of the hill onto a long driveway lined with aged Oak trees. The path to the house, which sat back nearly a half-mile from the roadway. Well, my dear, this certainly feels like home as he gently squeezed his wife's hand and said, "That tree; is my favorite." "Wow!" as we both took a moment to glance at its beauty. It looked like that tree seemed to be thriving in its environment, giving everything joy and excitement. We could hear the birds' songs sprang out from its massive branches as the rustling from the leaves made a swishing sound as its breeze went out in all directions through the mid-morning sky. The tree itself was by far the main attraction, and the sellers knew it as I could see from all of the gardenings around it. The house itself was cozy and aged like the beautiful tree centered in front of it. I wondered if someone built this house and planted the tree at the same time. The two together; "they were inseparable!" Someone centered them perfectly decades ago. For a moment, I was thinking of its history, and my wife softly said, "sold!" as she gently squeezed my hand. It was enough for both of us. We hardly ever went above our means of living and seemed content to have found such a lovely aged Country home surrounded by every type of tree you could imagine with nearly nothing on either side of the house in the middle of nowhere. "Perfect!" "This is it!" "What do you mean? "This is it!" No, no, I'm sorry, Sweetie, "not the cry of peace," 'this is it!' "Oh!" You caught me off guard for a moment. Don't "worry," my dear. 'You' will know the difference. I will call Sherry now to submit our offer today! "I want this tree!" You mean the house too, right? Yes, Sweetie, the home also! Hello, Sherry thank you so much for sending us this listing. The home appears to be a go for us. How fast can you make the offer? I sure hope there are no other offers on the table. Thank you, Ray; how is 'Swee-tie' doing? "Great!" She's right beside me as usual. Hold on. I'm switching to the speaker. Hi Sherry, hi Allegra, how do you like the house? We love it, and that 'tree' is so gorgeous. Please tell me they're no other offers. Unfortunately, there is only one other offer on the table, but they are struggling with their contract negotiations right now. "Ahhhh!" "Don't worry; everything is going to be okay. Let the buyers know we'll take it as-is if necessary. Ray shouted into the speaker. I'm checking for a home inspector now. Do you still have the number to that septic company Sherry? Yeah! It's called "Browns Septic Services." Ask for "Big Jonn Brown," the owner. The number is area code, and the number is (321)770-0000. "Great!" Thank you, Sherry; we look forward to hearing back from you shortly regarding the house offer. Okay, you two talk to you soon. Absolutely! and the cell phone speaker turned off. I"m so happy, Ray exclaimed as he picked up Sweetie and swung her around in the breeze coming from the whistling branches of the "Big tree." Let's go! But hope for the best when we hear back from Sherry. "Hey!" "Look, Sweetie!" There is a lake down there. You can see just about everything from the top of this hill. "I love it!" I know, me too. Me too, honey. "That tree; is my favorite!" "Sweetie!" Ray yelled as she turned to take it all in one more time. "Hello!" "Hi, Ray!" Where is "Swee-tie?" We're here on the speaker. How did it go? "Great!" The other offer that was on the table fell off due to bank account tampering, so the owners excepted your offer. And they would like to close by month's end. "Woohoo!" So, "congratulations!" You all are going to be new homeowners, "woohoo!" Thank you, Sherry, for everything. We'll talk more tonight, take care. That certainly was great news. It sure was, as Sweetie started pointing her finger around the yard and asked, what are we going to name that gorgeous tree? Tree sounds good to me, Ray thought but replied we will think of something because "that tree; is my favorite!"

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