Saturday, October 10, 2020

"If you think, I'm going in there!"

"Okie Doke!"... I'd better hurry and call Darrell, the show is about to begin! Now, Darrell is about 6 ft. and 8 inches tall. Most of that is probably his patted down afro. Hm. Rare to see a black man ["Oops!" I'd better say a person of color before coming under fire] with blue eyes. I've always wanted to ask if they were contacts, but I never do. I even caught myself searching for some green contacts online. You see, Darrell and I are "so similar"; we're different people, but it seems we're always on the same page with one another. Everybody loves us, and we love everybody too. Well, I guess it has a lot to do with where we live. Me being from that "big city down South that is known as Miami!" Darrell, on the other hand, was raised near "Dinasour World." He's from the Fort Myers area out West. He makes me laugh all the time; we both be going back in forth all the time. Oh, well, Darrell kills me when I'm calling, and the cell phone keeps ringing 'til it reaches his voice mail, which is always full. "ugh," I can't even leave a message. He knows the show is going to start soon. He doesn't yet know it's a Ballet that we're going to. It's a surprise! I've always wanted to attend one. I finally got my chance when I was randomly browsing and came across this show. I already know Darrell is going to take this hard. Remember, Darrell lives up near "Dinosaur World!" West of Central Florida. Oh! Wait a sec; that's Darrell texting now! "Alexa!" read aloud the incoming text. " I'm unsure of what you're asking. You can say things like- Ray abruptly cut in. "Alexa!" please read the incoming text. [Yep, this is a Buick] Incoming text from as Alexa started spelling out the name D-a-r-r-e-l-l-. Oh my! Ray gasped as he drove along Interstate 4 traveling East, cruising the minimum speed of 40 miles per hour. And just as he was about to push the redial, the Buick's [That's an Alexa!] Bluetooth started buzzing incoming call from Darrell. It seems as though Ray forgot all about his frustration and said, "Hello, this is, 'Ray Wheeler!' here!" Darrell answered, I know, I called you, remember. Are you almost here? I have to go to work at 2 A.M., you know. Yeah! Ray says in an excited voice as he exited the wrong exit off Interstate 4. Oh no! Ray exclaimed! What! Darrell asked? Nothing buddy. Ray sighs and then says, you are going to love this Ballet. [Oops, Ray, "let the cat out of the bag and didn't even know it!"] You mean to tell me I'm missing out on my precious sleep; to go to a Ballet? "Yikes!" Yep, "ah man!" Darrell sighed; "If you think, I'm going in there!" I should have known. You did the same thing when we went to the movies at Downtown Disney; what was that movie called again? Darrell was trying to remind himself. "Oh yeah! '27 dresses!'" You know that night wasn't so bad, was it? Nah, Darrell said in a long whining voice, but you couldn't find something with more action? Nope, as Ray finally found another exit that worked out better anyway. Hey, buddy, it's a good thing to shed a tear now and then. I'm from "Fort Meyers!" And we don't shed tears down here! Yeah, I know, that's why you're still single. My bad, I shouldn't have said that, buddy. It's all good, "pie boy!" Darrell replied. You know it! Ray said back; I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I'm here! Are you coming out, Dude?! Yeah! I'm on the way. After the show, Darrell was like, "ah, man!" That was "spectacular!" Did you shed your first tear? Ha, ha, ha! Now you're trying to be funny. "Indeed, I am!" I can't wait to tell everybody you went to your first Ballet.

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