Sunday, October 25, 2020

"When I'm up here, 'I feel like a tree!'"

Early that morning, my alarm time finally arrived right on time at 6 a.m. on that dark Saturday morning in late October. This time of year, it always stayed darker longer Because the earth is positioned in its orbit, so the sun stays below the North Pole horizon on tilt rotation around the sun. But that didn't stop me, although it felt like I had just gone to bed the previous evening. I knew I had to be at my destination for an early start that morning, but I was already running late before I even started. I was a two-hour drive away from where I needed to be, and I still need to pick up a few supplies like gas, ice, and water before hitting the 'pike.' Wait a minute if it's 6 a.m. and I needed to be at my destination at 7 a.m., and it's a two-hour drive away how late I'm I? I should have awakened at 4:30 a.m. Sometimes It just doesn't work out the way it should, I guess. Now that I arrived an hour late and still had to wait an hour, to start all turned out great! My conscience bothered me because I was still in my mind I was late. But could you imagine if I would have arrived on time sitting there for two hours on time trying to get in that gate? My conscience still bothered me because I'm never late. I would have rather arrived on time to wait! I just sat there as I stared at it. I could hardly wait! The sun is now and shining bright it's not night anymore. Everything is working outright. Suddenly, I heard this loud cranking and squeaking noise as the long iron gate started rolling back on its rail. "Whew!" as I quickly grabbed at my ears but wanted to finish hearing the smooth jazz song playing on the radio by Richard Elliott. I could listen to the loud squeaking again as I entered on my way to park right in front of it. There it is, right there! My adrenaline already started to tingle as I finished up the last sips of my now lukewarm coffee, which left a kind of taste in my mouth, which I could have thrown out the window. "Yuck!" "Ugh!" I do not like 'ice coffee!' I quickly sprayed with a disinfect my cellphone and steering wheel, door handles, and armrest as I exited my truck with my safety goggles, face shield, and heights helmet. "Ah!" as I inheld the morning air and stretched with both arms pointing up for a moment. "Mm!" "Yeah!" That felt good! "Playtime is over!" As I started setting things up to complete the job at hand. "I love my job!"
Getting dirty is a part of it, and I love it! "When I'm up here, I feel like a tree. I can hear the dogs barking at me in the distance. Those don't sound like the wagging of the tail kind of barks, but I'm not afraid because up here! I feel free like nothing can harm me but gravity. That's why safety is my key. Locked in on this task is my trend. For a moment, I thought about my wife, "Sweetie!" She knew I was coming here, and she asked, is there I could give you before you go? I just looked backed and smiled and said, "just hold me like you did yesterday!" That was enough for me. Now up here, I can see just about everything. I'm a "Star too!" everybody notices me from up here, and from the sound of those dogs barking at me, they want a piece of me too. Nevertheless, they don't know me. It makes me feel like I'm a "Star!" when I have completed my job, and I'm leaving, and everybody is yelling out 'at me,' "it looks lovely!" Thank you!" "Great job!" "See ya next time!" As I nod my head up and down with the biggest on my face, that says I'm happy they see me! When I'm up here-

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