Saturday, December 26, 2020

"My Heart Is Full With Pity!"

"How much more can one's heart take before it breaks from observing all of the turmoil around him?" What can I do? What more can I say to bring comfort to many? "I want to!" If I reached out and touched you, would that relieve you from your heartache and pain? How could one possibly find joy from all of the World's fireworks always around him? These last days are full of fireworks amidst so much trouble and pain. "Who is the blame?" I can't help but see through it all with my mind's eye and how quickly we've arrived at the crescendo, the end of it all. My heart is full of pity, so full of compassion, even though so many may find themselves loaded down with anxiety. Is there something more than yourself you could focus on? Usually, when something is not about you, it is something bigger surrounding it. Here is where the reader uses discernment. You have found yourself deep in sorrow, but there is something more than you involved. What will you do? If you dropped your last dollar in a dark room, wouldn't you quickly grab a flashlight to search for it? How do you feel about searching for the truth about what's bigger than you in your present state? Haven't you ever wondered why there are so much sickness and death all around you? Why are there so many different Religions? Who is God? What is the Kingdom of God? Why is there Good and Evil? Why is there Truth and Lies or Right or Wrong? These are vital questions you need to find out the truth about, and then only then will you be able to see with your mind's eye what's bigger than you in your present state. What could I do other than grasp you by the hand and guide you along the way? Because, When I look, and when I see, my heart is full of pity for the vast harvest and the sea.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

"Please Don't Turn Away From Me. I'm Talking To You!"

"Please don't turn away from me. I'm talking to you!" Now is not the time to act with a stubborn attitude towards me or life. You promised you would be there when we replant "Sweetie's Palm" in the New World to come. Yes, this is 2020, but it sounds like 2070. Please tell me if you can, what are you going to do tomorrow? Is that day promised to you? "No!" But God has promised a New World Society of righteous people to live on earth very shortly. Did you know? If you read a few verses from God's word daily, you could hear God say to you the exact things that I'm saying to you right now. "Isn't that wonderful?" Here's the problem with accomplishing that as a goal, though. Ask yourself, what is a goal? In an essential term, it is a priority. It takes effort, right? Of course, it does. Always remember no one can set your goals or priorities for you. An examination of your motives is in question. Aren't you tired of saying I need to do this or that? Realistically speaking, the latter can go on for a lifetime. "Isn't it about the time [to listen to God's Word] to walk over there and stand in front of it [The Mirrior] and make the change?" Try This: Write down in your daily journal the most important things a day involves like worship, prayer, supplication, your family, your neighbors, your work, etc. Please place them in your order. Always remember to put the most important things first. You see, it takes exerting one's self to do what's right. It takes courage to put up a hard fight to accomplish meaningful goals in life. "Fight!" And go to work to keep your life on the right track. So you can be there when we replant "Sweetie's Palm" in The New World to come. "Yes, now is the time to listen!" "Please don't turn away from me. I'm talking to you!" Dedicated to a beloved sister. Lasandra Wheeler

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

"Am I Home?"

Three hundred and twenty years ago, my Ancestors were taken from their Western African home and sold to European slave traders brought to American Colonies in the South. My Ancestors were stolen from their families, and forcibly put to work on plantations in the South. Am I home!? I'm African American, an Immigrant of an enslaved people brought from their natural home in Western Africa from the 15th to the 18th Century. So that's it! Please drop the African. "I'm an American!" Why do I have to be constantly reminded I'm from an enslaved people. What's going on? First, I was Negro, Biracial, Colored! Then African-American, Black, Race 2, and now "A Person Of Color!" So I was born here as an Immigrant because my Ancestors were not allowed any freedoms until after America's Colonization. Why was the North and the South so different? Of course, the same smile of wealth still exists to this day. If you hit a man in his pocket or take away his lively hood, he'll fight or even kill. Sadly this happened during the 1739's uprising. Those were dark days indeed. My Ancestors were healthy, and they were bold! And courageous! They were sold, cold, and told. But I'm here today! My Ancestors did all they can to make sure of my survival. My Ancestors made it through. "Who were they?" [Western Africa, I wonder if I have descendants there? I know I do!] "They made it through!" I want to know more so badly. I have so many questions to ask. Where do I start? I love history. I'm an African-American, and I'm Home!

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Are you finally satisfied with your accomplishment? You arrived on the scene with all speed and spared no dollars during the process. You've left all things behind like, God, family, friends, and love. You're so bright standing in front of that spotlight. I remember you! Your mouth is as sharp as a double-edged sword. Every time it opens, it cuts someone. I remember you! You are street smart. You can talk a person out of their last dollar. I remember you! You are the one sitting on the corner who observes everything that moves. How did you do it? You've come a long way. You've spent your whole life having it your way. How did you finally come up? We'll "Walla!" What can I tell you? You have to be, and you know, somewhat selfish out there. Ain't nobody going to give you nothing I had to get it how I can get it I'm just saying. You can get it how you can get it too. You must know what you want and take it if you know what I mean. You think this spotlight is shining on me because I was nice? Nah, being nice wasn't a part of it. At what cost did you accomplish this? What do you mean, my brother, at all cost! Step back a little; I wouldn't want my spotlight to shine on you. Thank you for that. That's about the most considerate thing you've said up to this point. To each is his own. Well, you did it, "Walla!"

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

"Is it okay to cry? I did it yesterday!"

Tears are as real as all of the emotions built up inside you; they're no different from the clouds above. You like me, probably never imagined having anything in common with the clouds above. They swell to fill up and burst free. I did the same thing yesterday. For no reason, I guess it's probably a built-up cloud-ready to release a torrent of emotions inside of me. I wouldn't be alarmed because after a very long drought, everything around you seems lifeless until the drought season end and the torrents finally come. I looked up and down and then turned to the right and left and saw everything around me. "Is it okay to cry? I did it yesterday!" "When will my relief come!?" I've been sighing and crying from observing all of the things around me. Sadly I hear it too! I've listened to all of it—the moaning and groaning struggling to make it through another drought. The timing is nearer now than ever before I can fill it in the wind. I can see it in the clouds swells all around me. My emotions are raging inside of me. Is it okay to cry? I did it yesterday. Finally, the clouds burst with torrents as I did with tears. We have no more fears. This valley between The Two Mountains is full of torrents like I was with tears.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

"Another one hundred and sixty-eight!"

"Ooooh!" five Saturdays this time. I already know what I"m about to do. Yep! "Ray!" What "Ray!" You just read your mind. "You mean our mind, right, partner!" That would be my conscience speaking to me. We have these conversations daily; it seems. I love it! I'm never alone, and I always have someone to meditate upon. Don't forget your coupon, Ray. I won't; thanks for the reminder. Is there anything we need in particular? Yeah, we're starting another one hundred and sixty-eight. Let's see, the last I remember, we had one thousand sheets of printer paper. But we're not printing smarty. We're writing! Hey, I was going down the list of everything we have in the house. You asked, so I gave you a detailed list of the particulars we already have so you can decide on what we don't have. Well, thank you for dignifying me but let me do this, okay. "Whatever you say, "Ray!" Now, where was I? Oh yeah, gather supplies for another one hundred and sixty-eight. Got it! Let me get two of those number two college note pads. I'm just saying I would get four if I were you. "But you are me!" What is your problem today, partner? You know better than me, I guess. You guess. I should have left you home. "Haha. Please do next time, please. I can't wait to see how that works out for you. Okay, three of those college note pads, "partner!". Either or ither [Ither means other] either he just ignored me or didn't hear me. Let me try and say it a little louder this time. I said four of those college note pads. Yeah, I heard you, but you can buy four when you start bringing in the money after a forty-hour workweek. I should have stayed home. But you didn't because you knew how important this was for me. You mean us, right, Ray? Yeah, us partner. I [we] have to focus on writing for twenty hours this week, and you know it. Now tell me you didn't enjoy researching about the 'ferocious wild beast.' for ten hours last week. Ah, yeah, that was some in-depth information about that small horn getting bigger and bigger. I remeber, remember. I, you mean we, right? "What?" Yeah, we partner. Whatever makes you feel better. "Stamps!" Don't forget the stamps, Ray! Okay, now please go back to sleep. I'll awaken you once I start on our eleven hours of meditation and bible readings for the week. You mean we can start it, right, Ray? "AH!" "Right partner!" We can do the hourglass each day plus ten minutes. What about our four hours for the Public Talk, Watchtower Study, and Mid-Week Meetings? Slow down, partner. When we get to that, well, be ready. Hey, what do you want to do for our family worship this week, Ray? We have two hours scheduled. Hm, that's a good idea, partner. Let's watch, "Jonah!" "Alright!" Now I think I got everything. "You mean we got everything right, Ray?" "What?" Yeah, we partner, we got everything. Check out time. Hey Ray, what are you going to do with the other eighty-one hours? First of all, you mean, what are we going to do with the additional eighty-one hours? Well, partner forty hours of sleep during the week and forty-one hours of free time to use wisely. Maybe we could do some yard work or grocery shopping for the elderly. That's a great idea, Ray. No football, scrabble, or chess? Of course, there is a little time for that too, partner. Let's get some lunch. I'm starving. What do you have a taste for lunch partner? "Liver!" "What?"

Saturday, November 28, 2020

"I heard it with my own ears, but I'm broken!"

I keep on keeping on during a period when everything everywhere seems to be broken and out of sorts. I keep on keeping on. I'm not going to stop now; I must keep on keeping on. Just to be clear, if I quit now, what would it accomplish? I gotta continue on The Way. I prepared well for this journey that's ahead of me. It doesn't matter if in mind, body, and spirit I'm broken. I must keep on keeping on. I heard it with my own ears. You see, you can continue no matter what situation, no matter what challenge, no matter what pain you carry. You can keep on keeping on. I heard it with my own ears, but I'm broken. I will continue to keep on keeping on all my days. I prepared well for this journey. When I don't think that time to be it, 'my comfort will come!' you won't ever find me without an identity. "I'm wide awake!" My gaze just keeps on keeping on deep into the night. I can smell it as my lamps keep on burning bright. "Look!" Being broken is real. I recall hearing it from many with my own ears. But what I'm trying to show you is, you can keep on keeping on even though you have been beaten down by a lousy spirit, breathing air that could if you let it destroy a whole body with its spirit in that valley called Hinnom. Is it possible to be broken but keep on keeping on? "Yes!" Look at me. I'm doing it now. "I can't stop, I won't stop!" This route is not without confrontation. But if you could come along, I could adjust my pace along the path. I could show you how to gain strength and follow "The Way!" You're going to be amazed at His 'unexpected ways' as He guides us by spirit. The sunlight and moonlight speed towards that particular day. "Are you coming?" I gotta keep on keeping on although I'm broken. This is my path; though cramped, I will not divert to a different channel.

Friday, November 13, 2020

"Why would you say; 'you thought,' I was depressed?" "Maybe I am!"

I know; I heard it too. 'Isn't that supposed to be your best friend?' I thought so also. I'm not alarmed. Sometimes people think they know you more than you know yourself. Of course, they are usually unlettered and lack experience and empathy. In fact, "what have I done on your behalf!?" "Did I not build you up!?" "Did I not encourage you daily!?" "Did I not set you before my own body!?" "When did I delay when you called for me!?" "When did I not stand up for you!?" "When did I ever turn aside from you!?" "What did I do when we first met!? 'I embrace you,' did I not!?" "What did I do when you told me everything!? 'I cried with you.' Did I not!?" "What did I give you when we both had nothing!? Was it not 'my love and friendship' that pulled us through!?" "Why, then, 'did you say!'" "You thought I was depressed!" "Maybe I am!"

Thursday, November 5, 2020

"That circle!" "Are you in it!?"

"That Circle!;" "Are you in it!?" "Why?"Because this is where the happenings are. I don't have to know anyone, but I can hear everything as I go about my way. "I love that!" It appears like I know everyone. But that doesn't matter; I'm not the 'Black hat' they are! The association, though, does it affect you? Why should I let it? I do just enough to get me what I need. I don't see any harm in that. Many probably would beg to differ, but who I'm I to say so? But not yourself? Quite frankly, my friend, you were only born with one face, not two. Why do you have two faces? Although you may appear to be beautiful, both of your faces are unpleasant. Did you think you could walk within this circle and not become unattractive like the ones you're walking beside? Let me ask you this. Have you ever watched Animal Planet and seen a two-headed snake?
"No, of course not!" Well, my friend, "I have!" The two heads always fought one another. They couldn't figure out they belonged together. "They were out-right disagreeable with one another!" What about you? "Is that the way you feel about yourself?" "And those two faces?" That, my friend, I will leave with you to ponder. I love you as a friend. I'm not here trying to still your thunder. I think you're walking in a circle full of blunders. "Why?" When life has so many beautiful wonders.

Monday, November 2, 2020

"I'm amazed at the creation of this earthworm!"

"I'm amazed at the creation of this earthworm!" [] "I'm simply amazed!" Just look with your own eyes. Can you see the wisdom behind this design? I'm always careful not to harm them. They play a vital role in breaking down organic matter within the earth's soil. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship so that they are inexcusable. Romans 1:20. [g76 11/8 pp. 21-22]

Saturday, October 31, 2020

"My family and I live here!; 'In the valley between The Two Mountains!'"

"My family and I live here!; 'In the valley between the two Mountains!'" "For over 450 years now!" The earth is beautiful. It's truly a "paradise!" The knowledge of Jehovah has undoubtedly filled the whole earth. The teaching and learning coming from 'Ramapo!' are fantastic! All of the resurrections have been completed for about 100 years now, and here it was. We all use to think Enoch was going to be last. He's our "Chieftain!" It was in the Spring on the 9th day of Abib. The year was 2470 C.E. It was time to gather to read from the Scroll and reflect on "Obedience!" The blessings here are incredible. We're always looking ahead. And caring for our families, our learning neighbors, and the earth. One of my learning neighbors from the fourth century. "That's! 400 C.E." Yeah, he heard of Jesus, he said he has seen a picture of Jesus with a beard and looking frail him and his Apostles. I listened carefully and wrote down every detail as to what was in his heart. I put a circle around he heard of Jesus. I wanted to be sure the other 32 teachers were aware of this fact. I wanted to start straight away with how boldly Jesus taught. I quickly pulled up a video on my 25 inch J.W. Video Pad we just got from Ramapo, showing how courageous Jesus was during his Life and Ministry while on earth. He quickly removes frail from his vocabulary and agrees that the picture was a false representation of Jesus. Progression was the key! 8 learning neighbors did not progress and were transferred or died. "Ah!" Life here is lovely. There is peace amongst us all, and food is everywhere. We all speak the same language and serve the same God. Hi, there is Azariah, Hananiah, and Mishael. Hi Ray, Have you seen Daniel? Yes, Prince Azariah, he's with Enoch just beyond those Broom trees. May you continue to live on forever, Ray. Thank you, Prince Azariah. Oh, I'm getting a video message from JW Ooogle. Hi John, Brother Bones, how are you today? I feel great! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping to mow today. I want to be there, Ray. But I'm meeting with Mephibosheth at half-past two today. But If you could, that would be great. I would love to! Brother Bones. Would after lunch be okay? I could let Sweetie know I'll be mowing grass by then. Very well, my brother, may you continue to 'dwell forever in this valley between the two mountains.' I could go on forever If I related "Jehovah's Victory!" at Armageddon utilizing his 'anointed King,' "Jesus Christ!" I remember that day during the "Great Tribulation." You could feel that at any moment, it would happen. The events happened so fast, although we all expected it to happen. False Religion was burned with fire and "destroyed!" "Sweetie!" beat me to it and exclaimed, "This is it!" and sure enough, 'it was!' Though days were tough back then. "It took a courageous effort!" We always drew strength from reflecting on God's word, the Bible. Our faithful friends also proved to a strengthing aid to us as we were to them. We remembered Isaiah 30:15b, which stated, "Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust." "Oh, how we trusted Jehovah's wisdom and not our own." "Obedience was the 'key!'" I remembered King Saul's lousy example, and its disastrous consequences it brought him and his whole household. I remembered from The Watchtower magazine how Courageous Jesus' apostles were when the Jewish Supreme Court ordered the Apostles to stop preaching; they were not intimidated. Instead, they boldly declared: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." Acts 5:29. I remember vividly coming home that day from out in the ministry 'speaking a bold message!' [I thought of Jonah but knew this was the last chance for the people I was speaking to]. "Breaking News!" The Marriage of the Lamb is taking place. The events outside were terrible. "The Nations had enough of Jehovah's Witnesses and their message and had devised an evil plan to eliminate us all!" We were all isolated to a single location in a triangle battle formation with Brother Bones at its point. The door swung open, and there we were face to face with "Gog of Maʹgog!" "Our God is strong!" "He is Jehovah of Armies!" All we saw was a bright light, and "Gog of Ma'gog!" was gone from before us. That was undoubtedly an unexpected act! Although they knew [Those who stayed "the force of fire"] as we did, that, 'Our God could save us.' And he did! "He did!" You see, time waits for no one. While there is still time, wouldn't you and your family love to live under the loving direction of "God's Kingdom?" I am so thankful to live here with my wife "Sweetie" and our six children Roland, Alex, Robbie, Joslin, Josephine, and Ray jr. "In the valley between the two Mountains." "Sweetie!" I got a video message from Brother Bones; I volunteered to mow grass after lunch. I'll ask Ray jr. if he would like to come along. The other children should be coming back from Ramapo, Eastern territory, tomorrow. That smells delicious, what is it? Quail roasted garlic and Almonds. Miriam, Moses' sister, gave it to me yesterday when we were picking apples in the field. I can hardly wait to taste it. I'll call Ray jr. now. "Ray" lunch! Okay, dad. Mm, what is it, Dad? I could smell it a mile away—quail in roasted garlic and Almonds. I could hardly wait to taste it. I said the same thing, Ray. "Hey, I'm mowing grass after lunch; would you like to come?" No way, Dad, I'm going sailing. That sounds great! Have fun! Now let's get into moms cooking.

Friday, October 30, 2020

"Get up off your feet and be cheerful!" Black Friday Special

"The year-long wait is over!" Get up off your feet, and be cheerful. It's a "Friday!" thing. Now through November 28, 2020, you can start purchasing this "Black Friday Special!" Just click the link→ Details: This is a labor only deal. The owner will purchase any materials needed.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

"I'm not going to 'wow you,' "but wow!""

"I'm not going to 'wow you,' "but wow!"" I know I've said this over and over for what seems like a thousand times. Ray asked; What is it you looking for again? I can never remember it anyway. I'm looking for that tiny notebook that was sitting on my desk yesterday. You mean lying on your desk yesterday? "Hey, man!" Please, don't sound so caustic about it. I was just asking, have you seen it? That's all. No worries, Freind. Why don't you ask one of the receptionist; they seem to know everything. Maybe I will when I get a moment sometime today. "Ugh!" the new guy! He looks so friable and guileless he'll never make around here. He can't even keep up with his own notebook. "Ugh!" what was I doing again? Oh yeah, I gotta finish my proposal. The deadline is next week. Nobody ever read these things anyway. This is my 7th one this year. Well, I guess when you're basically ask-ing begging for money, I mean funds, you always have to meet their schedule. I wonder who came up with this beautiful idea for everyone to be in a single location. "Cubicles!" Oh, how I dislike them. I'm surrounded by Ted, Bob, Earl, Grace, and now "the new guy!" Willy. As I was pushing print on my Ipad, Earl popped his head in my cubicle to ask, who is the "new guy!" Ray? "What!;" is this roll call or something? Does it look like I have his name tag on my desk? "Go!" ask the receptionist Earl. She thinks she knows everything. "Wow!" you're pretty 'boorish' today. What's gotten to you? "You, Earl!" You can't go poking your head around in someone else's space like that "E-a-r-l!" Oh, my bad, Ray, do I need to pay? Ha. Ha. Not today, Ted, and please don't add any more antics to your already annoying behavior. At least Bob and Grace have their acts together today, huh? Ted. Nah! She was 15 minutes late again. That's the fourth time this week you do the math, Ray. "What?" Oh, you mean like 4x15? Yeah! Let me see 4x5 = 20 carry over the 2, 4x1 = 4, then add 2. I come up with 60 Ted. 60 what? You said to do the math, so I did. "60!" Oh, I see as Ted looked at me as if I were hubristic for coming up with the number sixty. Good Ray as he quickly swung back around to his own cubicle. Bob made top sales again this month, and Bob always seemed in a hurry but was only going 25 feet to get a cup of coffee black with four sugars. You can see Earl, Ted, and Ray with the tip of their noses sticking out the tops of their cubicles trying to take a quick peep a Bob as he stood there, shaking four packs of sugar at the coffee maker waiting for his one-shot black coffee to finish brewing. Ah, you must be the "new guy!" Willy! I am. My name is Willy, what's yours? "Bob!" as he turned to walk away as fast as he got there with a strange look on his face, shanking his head along with the four packs of sugar as he reached his desk. Hm, very arcadian type of fellow. "Does he work here?" Bob asked himself as he knew he did. Um, excuse me miss. I'm the "new guy," Willy. "Oh yeah!" and I'm Angela, the receptionist! How could I help you, "new guy!" Willy? Someone seemed to have picked up my notebook by mistake, you mean you lost it! No, I- yeah, you lost it! Well, look here, um, "new guy!" Willy, right? It ain't up here! I'm the receptionist. I don't see it 'round here. Alright, Miss, the name is Angela, "W-i-l-l-y!"

Sunday, October 25, 2020

"When I'm up here, 'I feel like a tree!'"

Early that morning, my alarm time finally arrived right on time at 6 a.m. on that dark Saturday morning in late October. This time of year, it always stayed darker longer Because the earth is positioned in its orbit, so the sun stays below the North Pole horizon on tilt rotation around the sun. But that didn't stop me, although it felt like I had just gone to bed the previous evening. I knew I had to be at my destination for an early start that morning, but I was already running late before I even started. I was a two-hour drive away from where I needed to be, and I still need to pick up a few supplies like gas, ice, and water before hitting the 'pike.' Wait a minute if it's 6 a.m. and I needed to be at my destination at 7 a.m., and it's a two-hour drive away how late I'm I? I should have awakened at 4:30 a.m. Sometimes It just doesn't work out the way it should, I guess. Now that I arrived an hour late and still had to wait an hour, to start all turned out great! My conscience bothered me because I was still in my mind I was late. But could you imagine if I would have arrived on time sitting there for two hours on time trying to get in that gate? My conscience still bothered me because I'm never late. I would have rather arrived on time to wait! I just sat there as I stared at it. I could hardly wait! The sun is now and shining bright it's not night anymore. Everything is working outright. Suddenly, I heard this loud cranking and squeaking noise as the long iron gate started rolling back on its rail. "Whew!" as I quickly grabbed at my ears but wanted to finish hearing the smooth jazz song playing on the radio by Richard Elliott. I could listen to the loud squeaking again as I entered on my way to park right in front of it. There it is, right there! My adrenaline already started to tingle as I finished up the last sips of my now lukewarm coffee, which left a kind of taste in my mouth, which I could have thrown out the window. "Yuck!" "Ugh!" I do not like 'ice coffee!' I quickly sprayed with a disinfect my cellphone and steering wheel, door handles, and armrest as I exited my truck with my safety goggles, face shield, and heights helmet. "Ah!" as I inheld the morning air and stretched with both arms pointing up for a moment. "Mm!" "Yeah!" That felt good! "Playtime is over!" As I started setting things up to complete the job at hand. "I love my job!"
Getting dirty is a part of it, and I love it! "When I'm up here, I feel like a tree. I can hear the dogs barking at me in the distance. Those don't sound like the wagging of the tail kind of barks, but I'm not afraid because up here! I feel free like nothing can harm me but gravity. That's why safety is my key. Locked in on this task is my trend. For a moment, I thought about my wife, "Sweetie!" She knew I was coming here, and she asked, is there I could give you before you go? I just looked backed and smiled and said, "just hold me like you did yesterday!" That was enough for me. Now up here, I can see just about everything. I'm a "Star too!" everybody notices me from up here, and from the sound of those dogs barking at me, they want a piece of me too. Nevertheless, they don't know me. It makes me feel like I'm a "Star!" when I have completed my job, and I'm leaving, and everybody is yelling out 'at me,' "it looks lovely!" Thank you!" "Great job!" "See ya next time!" As I nod my head up and down with the biggest on my face, that says I'm happy they see me! When I'm up here-

Friday, October 23, 2020

"I did the math; I'll be there, at 'The Window' in the year '2037'"

There is not a day that goes by that I could remember now that I took a moment to think about the last time I didn't see Ms. Ju Masahiro at that window. I'm on my way to school, and she's there. I'm on my way to work, and she's there. A few years ago, I remembered when I was passing by an older woman with a lager portmanteau was trying to carry it upstairs all by herself, and Ms. Masahiro was pointing to something out of her window. I kept walking as usual as I didn't understand their language anyway. I wondered if she knew me. Indeed, she had to recognize my face, for I passed her window since I was in grade school. I also asked myself if anyone else had noticed her always quietly observing at the window. I certainly have. At least twenty years or so have passed. Is this common or just a habit? Maybe she's lonely or wants somebody to notice her at the window. I thought of myself for a moment and then put myself in her shoes. Could I do that? Put me in somebody else's shoes? At her age, "Oh my!" "I'll be that age in the year 2037!" Will there be a window for me? What will I do there at the window? What if nobody notices me! Will I even be able to see far enough? Will I be lonely and all alone? "Oh, no!" "2037!" "2037!" "2037!" I'm running in the opposite direction, but that won't change a thing. My chair will be waiting; instead, I'm running or just being straightforward; it will all be the same. I hope it's at least a rocking chair I'll be sitting in with no shame. I'd better hurry to my window so the next generation passing by can think too!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

"That tree; is my favorite!"

Front and center, it stood, that day as we were out my wife and me, when we both noticed it as we were driving up the narrow hill on a cozy winding County Road in Leesburg, Florida that day. It felt like a gloomy day as the weather was mild and not as sunny but somewhat cloudy in mid-April on that Saturday morning as we continued our searching for a new place to call home again. As we neared the top of the hill, we both had the same look on our faces as our GPS navigation system stated, "your destination is on the left in a quarter of a mile." It felt like driving around a giant lake with a beautiful tree in the center of everything. "you have arrived at your destination as we turned off the long winding County Road at the top of the hill onto a long driveway lined with aged Oak trees. The path to the house, which sat back nearly a half-mile from the roadway. Well, my dear, this certainly feels like home as he gently squeezed his wife's hand and said, "That tree; is my favorite." "Wow!" as we both took a moment to glance at its beauty. It looked like that tree seemed to be thriving in its environment, giving everything joy and excitement. We could hear the birds' songs sprang out from its massive branches as the rustling from the leaves made a swishing sound as its breeze went out in all directions through the mid-morning sky. The tree itself was by far the main attraction, and the sellers knew it as I could see from all of the gardenings around it. The house itself was cozy and aged like the beautiful tree centered in front of it. I wondered if someone built this house and planted the tree at the same time. The two together; "they were inseparable!" Someone centered them perfectly decades ago. For a moment, I was thinking of its history, and my wife softly said, "sold!" as she gently squeezed my hand. It was enough for both of us. We hardly ever went above our means of living and seemed content to have found such a lovely aged Country home surrounded by every type of tree you could imagine with nearly nothing on either side of the house in the middle of nowhere. "Perfect!" "This is it!" "What do you mean? "This is it!" No, no, I'm sorry, Sweetie, "not the cry of peace," 'this is it!' "Oh!" You caught me off guard for a moment. Don't "worry," my dear. 'You' will know the difference. I will call Sherry now to submit our offer today! "I want this tree!" You mean the house too, right? Yes, Sweetie, the home also! Hello, Sherry thank you so much for sending us this listing. The home appears to be a go for us. How fast can you make the offer? I sure hope there are no other offers on the table. Thank you, Ray; how is 'Swee-tie' doing? "Great!" She's right beside me as usual. Hold on. I'm switching to the speaker. Hi Sherry, hi Allegra, how do you like the house? We love it, and that 'tree' is so gorgeous. Please tell me they're no other offers. Unfortunately, there is only one other offer on the table, but they are struggling with their contract negotiations right now. "Ahhhh!" "Don't worry; everything is going to be okay. Let the buyers know we'll take it as-is if necessary. Ray shouted into the speaker. I'm checking for a home inspector now. Do you still have the number to that septic company Sherry? Yeah! It's called "Browns Septic Services." Ask for "Big Jonn Brown," the owner. The number is area code, and the number is (321)770-0000. "Great!" Thank you, Sherry; we look forward to hearing back from you shortly regarding the house offer. Okay, you two talk to you soon. Absolutely! and the cell phone speaker turned off. I"m so happy, Ray exclaimed as he picked up Sweetie and swung her around in the breeze coming from the whistling branches of the "Big tree." Let's go! But hope for the best when we hear back from Sherry. "Hey!" "Look, Sweetie!" There is a lake down there. You can see just about everything from the top of this hill. "I love it!" I know, me too. Me too, honey. "That tree; is my favorite!" "Sweetie!" Ray yelled as she turned to take it all in one more time. "Hello!" "Hi, Ray!" Where is "Swee-tie?" We're here on the speaker. How did it go? "Great!" The other offer that was on the table fell off due to bank account tampering, so the owners excepted your offer. And they would like to close by month's end. "Woohoo!" So, "congratulations!" You all are going to be new homeowners, "woohoo!" Thank you, Sherry, for everything. We'll talk more tonight, take care. That certainly was great news. It sure was, as Sweetie started pointing her finger around the yard and asked, what are we going to name that gorgeous tree? Tree sounds good to me, Ray thought but replied we will think of something because "that tree; is my favorite!"

Sunday, October 18, 2020

"'What makes you think'... you can continue to treat me that way?"

"'What makes you think'... you can continue to treat me that way?" "Hey," 'I get it!' So, you think you've earned a right over me? I know that feeling too. I've looked in my mirror [
and, "oh yeah!" I love what I see. 'Me!'] a thousand times and said it's 'me!' they will pay to see. "You did it!" Can you see it too? "Fame!" "Fortune!" "Yeah, 'you' better know it!" I worked my butt off and got it. Maybe so, but let's get one thing straight you need to know. "You fooled 'yourself' from the beginning. You selfishly thought while looking in your own mirror, 'they will pay to see me.' [Remember?] Earned you a right over me! "Ha, ha!" We see you, but you're still selfishly thinking everything you say will get a heart right from the start. "No way, Jose!" "'What makes you think'... you can continue to treat me that way?" Yeah, I paid to see you, but sadly I remember me. You see, my mirror made me reevaluate myself when I saw me. It turns out without "Fame!" or "Fortune!" ["Oh, yeah!" I love what I see, its 'me!']

Friday, October 16, 2020

"It's coffee time!"

Hm, I can smell it now. There is nothing like that 'smell' first thing in the morning. And it's calling my name. "Come and get it, Ray!" "Oh yeah!" Folgers Classic Roast instant coffee. Mm, as I sit back with my head laid back on the top of my black Big and Tall Serta office chair with both of my hands covering my face as the whistling from my kettle sounded to indicate 'the water has started boiling' come and get your coffee. Okay, I said in a low thundering voice as I raised my head off the back of my chair, and my hands landed on my desktop and quickly pushed back as it felt like I was going a hundred or so miles per hour in reverse. Woe! as I crashed my chair into a filing cabinet on its the way back. "Oops!" I could hear ' Fuzzy Marley,' a 5-pound half breed Shih Tzu barking [with the look of I eat shoes on his face] as I awoke him from the crash of my rolling Big and Tall Serta chair into the filing cabinet. It's okay, I yelled to 'Fuzzy.' It's poppy getting started; as I repeated, Let's get this day started! As I stood up, I realized how comfortable my Big and Tall Serta chair was. It felt like the first day I sat in it before purchasing it at Office Depot. As I started to walk, I thought of dragging both feet on the cold tile floor as one of my half-eaten off the top slippers flew off. This shoe never stays on, and I said to myself, 'Fuzzy Marley' made sure of that when he ate one whole top side about a month ago. as I left the slipper to get that noisy "whistling kettle!" "Yikes! 'this floor is cold!'" as I continued dragging one shoe and a one hopping and drag motion. It's coffee time! As I reached for the knob on the cooktop to turn it to a lower setting. The whistling instantly subsided. I quickly rinsed out my two cup coffee [jug] mug and added one tablespoon and a half of Folgers Classic Roast coffee, three tablespoons of Nestle Coffeemate powdered creamer. Mm, as I glanced while stirring the coffee and creamer together before adding- there was a nestle Pure Life Purified plastic 16.9 oz water bottle sitting on the slightly warped Formica countertop. While I was still stirring in the mug, I reached for a zero-calorie single packet of Splenda to add in with my other dry ingredients before pouring in hot water from the low whistling kettle. I finally rested my left bare slipperless foot on a fluffy white rug in front of the kitchen sink. Sub-consciously I thought, am I a Nestle fan? I never even knew it until now. "Oh, well!" I guess Nestle it is. Maybe it's a coincidence. Mm, as the Splenda packet tore open, half of it fell to the counter and the other half in my coffee mug. I didn't feel vexed or make any expressions or sounds; I was still staring at the 16.9 oz Nestle water bottle. Ah, it's nothing. I concluded, reaching for another Splenda packet. This time I was focused not like before. I wanted some coffee badly. I gently cut across the top of the single pack of sweetener with a pair of meat cutting scissors. "Perfect!" As I poured the whole packet into my mug, forgetting there was a half-packet inside my coffee mug already. I quickly compensated by adding a half tablespoon of more coffee and a smidgen of powdered creamer. I'm getting started now for sure! I promptly whipped all the ingredients together as if I were making a nice thick cup of Cuban coffee, and then I slowly poured in my water and stirred slowly. A nice Whip Cream topping would be nice but not this time. "Ooooh!" is the sound I make after taking my first sip of coffee in the mornings. Now that's how you save money right there. Hm, I wonder if there is some Nestle Instant coffee out there? Yep! You're guilty as I turned and caught 'Fuzzy Marley' with his face buried in the same spot at the top of my half-eaten slipper. Thank you as a bent down to grab it from him, and another piece of foam fell out. I got my slipper, and 'Fuzzy Marley' got the foam and ran off as I spilled a couple of drops of my coffee trying to stop him. I turned my slipper over, wiped up the few drops, and kept going to my comfortable Big and Tall Serta chair. [well, I know what that means for 'Fuzzy Marley.' Foam in the belly and no-poo for a couple of days] But realized [no doctors visits for us] as I firmly sat my mug down on my unleveled desk, spilling coffee as I ran after 'Fuzzy Marley!' with slipper foam in his mouth. Low in behold as I turned the corner, there it was, the foam lying there. So, it turns out, 'you're not like' the movie "Marley!" I beg to differ. I do still have that half-eaten off of the top slipper in my office. I grabbed a Downey paper towel that ripped off three instead of one. The select rolls, "yes!" I get annoyed by convenience sometimes. A little water and were good. As I got back to my unleveled desk, I realized the spilled coffee rolled across and behind my desk. Well, I thought naught in my mind for a moment. Then I started to wipe up the top now and behind the desk when I need to move it. As I plopped down in my Big and Tall Serta chair, I wondered about buying some Nestle paper towels.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

"If you think, I'm going in there!"

"Okie Doke!"... I'd better hurry and call Darrell, the show is about to begin! Now, Darrell is about 6 ft. and 8 inches tall. Most of that is probably his patted down afro. Hm. Rare to see a black man ["Oops!" I'd better say a person of color before coming under fire] with blue eyes. I've always wanted to ask if they were contacts, but I never do. I even caught myself searching for some green contacts online. You see, Darrell and I are "so similar"; we're different people, but it seems we're always on the same page with one another. Everybody loves us, and we love everybody too. Well, I guess it has a lot to do with where we live. Me being from that "big city down South that is known as Miami!" Darrell, on the other hand, was raised near "Dinasour World." He's from the Fort Myers area out West. He makes me laugh all the time; we both be going back in forth all the time. Oh, well, Darrell kills me when I'm calling, and the cell phone keeps ringing 'til it reaches his voice mail, which is always full. "ugh," I can't even leave a message. He knows the show is going to start soon. He doesn't yet know it's a Ballet that we're going to. It's a surprise! I've always wanted to attend one. I finally got my chance when I was randomly browsing and came across this show. I already know Darrell is going to take this hard. Remember, Darrell lives up near "Dinosaur World!" West of Central Florida. Oh! Wait a sec; that's Darrell texting now! "Alexa!" read aloud the incoming text. " I'm unsure of what you're asking. You can say things like- Ray abruptly cut in. "Alexa!" please read the incoming text. [Yep, this is a Buick] Incoming text from as Alexa started spelling out the name D-a-r-r-e-l-l-. Oh my! Ray gasped as he drove along Interstate 4 traveling East, cruising the minimum speed of 40 miles per hour. And just as he was about to push the redial, the Buick's [That's an Alexa!] Bluetooth started buzzing incoming call from Darrell. It seems as though Ray forgot all about his frustration and said, "Hello, this is, 'Ray Wheeler!' here!" Darrell answered, I know, I called you, remember. Are you almost here? I have to go to work at 2 A.M., you know. Yeah! Ray says in an excited voice as he exited the wrong exit off Interstate 4. Oh no! Ray exclaimed! What! Darrell asked? Nothing buddy. Ray sighs and then says, you are going to love this Ballet. [Oops, Ray, "let the cat out of the bag and didn't even know it!"] You mean to tell me I'm missing out on my precious sleep; to go to a Ballet? "Yikes!" Yep, "ah man!" Darrell sighed; "If you think, I'm going in there!" I should have known. You did the same thing when we went to the movies at Downtown Disney; what was that movie called again? Darrell was trying to remind himself. "Oh yeah! '27 dresses!'" You know that night wasn't so bad, was it? Nah, Darrell said in a long whining voice, but you couldn't find something with more action? Nope, as Ray finally found another exit that worked out better anyway. Hey, buddy, it's a good thing to shed a tear now and then. I'm from "Fort Meyers!" And we don't shed tears down here! Yeah, I know, that's why you're still single. My bad, I shouldn't have said that, buddy. It's all good, "pie boy!" Darrell replied. You know it! Ray said back; I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I'm here! Are you coming out, Dude?! Yeah! I'm on the way. After the show, Darrell was like, "ah, man!" That was "spectacular!" Did you shed your first tear? Ha, ha, ha! Now you're trying to be funny. "Indeed, I am!" I can't wait to tell everybody you went to your first Ballet.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

I cried, 'dry tears,' last night.

It seems as though it was just another night. I long since have given my Sweetie her goodnight kiss as she and my puppy decided to stay up a little longer. "Not me!" I was tired out again by the hot Florida sun. All I wanted to is find my pillow. I only had a few important things to do first. Number one, Floss! And number two, brush my teeth! Sweetie might want another kiss or two. I always have to be ready! "Ahhh!" Now that felt refreshing. Mm, my pillow fail behind the headboard again! "Ughh!" This mattress must weigh a thousand pounds, and it's so hard to move. How does a pillow fall so easily behind there? Don't know, but I 'v got it again as I try to move this heavy mattress back in place. Oh boy! Now my pillows are in place. "Aaah!" Finally, I could rest up a bit. Suddenly, after all of that movement, my body didn't feel so sleepy anymore. I wonder why? Strange, maybe it thought I was going back to work something, oh well. I thought for a moment and thought about television, but I quickly said no to that in a hurry. [What would Sweetie say? Probably, "I thought you were going to bed" or something like that] What about cell phone scrabble? Nah, too much thinking for that challenge. For a moment, I thought I developed insomnia. Something strange was happening to me for sure. Then all of a sudden, I felt overwhelmed with emotions. I wasn't even watching a tear-jerking movie. How could a man! 6 foot and four inches tall be overwhelmed with emotions? I guess it happens. But there are no tears on my face as it feels as dry as a piece of paper. I will research this unusual episode for sure. Tomorrow I will start with the Awake and Watchtower magazines first. [I might find a life story similar to my own] If I asked Google, they might pull up a shrink. When I awake in the morning, I could tell Sweetie. I cried, 'dry tears,' last night.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

I'm stress free when;...

If you were thinking when I leave home and come into the office or after coming home after a long day mowing grass in the Florida sun, you're mistaken. First, let us get one thing clear, and please don't ever forget it! My home is where my family lives. And since the aura that surrounds me is peaceful, how would you say my house is? If you answered, please don't reply [Rhetorical]! My home is like a "Triangle." →
No matter how much weight you apply to it, our family can sustain it. →
Besides, coming in after a long day out of hot Florida sun is a good thing, especially after having a nice cold glass of buttermilk. Throughout my day, "this!" is the very thing that has helped me throughout my day. A glimpse here and there, the things around you start to come alive. I look up and down and from side to side, taking in the beauty of the Universe. I can begin to feel an 'overwhelming joy coming over me!' Our Universe is awe-inspiring! If I could describe it in words, "wow!" would be among the top five names. If I wrote it, well, it could go on and on like forever, but this is a short story. I kind of feel you get the point anyway.
Nevertheless, "I'm stress-free when;... I can take every possible moment there is to observe creation." At night, the sky is so clear I could distinguish one constellation from the other. I even counted a hundred or so stars. The mosquitoes reminded me it was time to go inside my house as I'm reminding you to look up and down and from side to side. You will become stress-free as I have.

Why don't you know me?

Yeah! I'm boastful. I've traveled the world with it; there isn't any shame in that. But wait a minute, so are you. It seems as though you're making a movie because every time I look around, there you are too. So who needs attention? Your a busy little bee. I don't know you always seem to be your reply, but you expect me to sit idle while you go carrying on here and there beating a drum. If you knew me, you would know I'm far-sighted with a broad view peering into the distance like an eagle making every catch. If you knew me, you would have known I could travel swiftly in any direction at any given moment like a flash of lighting. If you knew me, you would never say I was partial; you would see the word 'Love' surrounding me. If you knew me, you would know that I'm loyal and trustworthy, from end to end. If you knew me, you would say, "look a man with good intentions and heart." If you knew me, you would recognize my lowly disposition towards others. If you knew me, you would know that the aura that surrounds me is so peaceful. If you knew me, you would recognize me as a friend as if I were your brother. If you knew me, you would know I could become whatever is always needed to help you, building you up, and you would know I could never tear you down. Besides, how could you get to know me when you're to busy continually chasing after Ceaser ["Whose image and inscription is this?"]; "is that your allegiance still?"

Friday, October 2, 2020

"Who said that?;"... does it even matter?

"Who said that?;"... does it even matter? It is the way I'm continually feeling towards words coming out of the hearts of many that spilled out like a glass of water that was half full but spilled. All my life, I held it dear, and close to my heart, I only sang it out when I was cold and afraid it wasn't even dark. Now that I'm all grown up, I'm not Lonely anymore but healthy and wiser than I ever was before in my youth when I had already lost a tooth. When I sang my song with boldness, cheerfulness, and great determination, It doesn't matter how it or who has said it; 'this is my song!' "It makes me feel anew with joyfulness!" The kind of joy that relaxes and puts you in a setting as if I'm on a beautiful oasis drawing it all over my oiled canvas, and in every corner, I penned the words "Who said that?;" ... does it even matter? You see, this is "my song!" [I'm singing it] Those words "are old!" What I'm singing is from the heart, but your comments we're stealing the hearts of others. You're so cold trying to use words that could easily break a person's morals and code. Yeah, I'm "tall!" and "strong!" and "handsome!" but many say I'm "very bold!" Your comments can never affect me because I'm focused on ignoring chatter, and I don't swing blows at the empty air on things that don't matter. [End of the song]

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

I know how you feel man when it comes to being heard; it's hard to accomplish! You say it- and "I will write it!"

I know how you feel, man when it comes to being heard; it's hard to accomplish! "Thanks, Ray"... You have always been there for me through the thick 'n thin, "You're a no matter what 'type of guy.' "Go on, tell me Craig!" "What are you trying to say exactly?" "By that, 'look across your face' while holding that megaphone; it seems like you've got a lot to say." Come on, over here, 'you have my full attention.' What is it, Ray wondered now that [Somebody] centered Graig right in front of him. Is it just you and me, buddy, what's wrong with your voice all of a sudden? Can't you muster up your voice? Its okay, Craig. You're not the only one who freezes when the lights are on. Mm, I guess now this is an interview. And just like that, Graig let out a loud sigh turned towards me, winked, and whispered I don't like interviews; they are in a way to personal for my taste. What? Ray reacted with a strange look on his face. Then out of nowhere as if from a strange distant place. Maybe it was his gut feeling, and I don't know for sure. But Craig said in a loud voice. Ray! Tell me this! With that megaphone right in front of his mouth. The sound waves nearly blew me right off my chair. I'm somewhat glad now I chose the rocker chair that was centered in the room already. What? Ray exclaimed at the top of his voice. I'm sitting right here. Can you get any louder with that megaphone? Why is it, then. Craig wondered that every time he tried to say something about something. I mean, every single time he tried to say something about something, nobody listens to me or even looks in my direction? Oh boy! If only he could read my mind, he would take that question back. But deep inside me, I knew my conscience was telling me to get back on track and give comfort to my friend in his time of need. So Ray went for it! As I told you before, buddy. When it comes to being heard; It's hard to accomplish. Who has the time these days anyway, Craig? People are more into themselves these days, man. Besides, we're living during a worldwide pandemic right now. That is stressful enough as it is. Ask yourself, Craig. Craig, what is so important anyway that you're expecting something different from the people out there? I've been here with you ten minutes, buddy, and nearly fell asleep twice already. Are you serious, man, am I that bad at it? He can't read my mind, but right at the top of it, It just kept on saying Yep!Yep! Yep! just like that double question he just asked. Ray, Ray, Ray, my conscience reminded me. No! Not at all, my friend. It seems like I was throwing up my hands like Tony the Tiger saying, "you're great!" But how do you think they will feel the people out there, I mean? You know, Ray, the people out there, the people- I know how you feel, man, when it comes to being heard; It's hard to accomplish! Go on, say it! Don't worry, I'll write it. Hey man, I'm with you on this. I will write it. Craig, please allow me- wait for a second, Ray!- Craig tried to cut in the people- but Ray kept talking over him. To ask, what makes you feel that way not being heard anyway, Craig!? Those folks out there are dirty rich, and they don't have time for much themselves, much less you and I. You must have accolades, man. I mean, come on now, "you know that it is true!" Maybe if you had a gig, things might be different. I thought you already knew something the way you came out here with that big mega, whatever that is in your hand. "Everybody has a gig, Craig, what's yours?" Are you good at any sports? Not on the bucket list either, huh? Um, Is this an Interview Craig whispered. Ray threw his hands up and said, Craig! In a firm voice. You got a megaphone in your hands for Pete's sake. I'd rather you blow me out the rocker than say that that way. Just put that thang down, put it down, please, if you're not going to do anything with it. Yeah! You should be looking bewildered just like you're looking now. Okay then, I guess this is an interview, Ray said in a kind of like sarcastic tone. No, I wasn't going to ask, but where is it you're living? I guess I will ask but even though I already know, let's make it for the record. Are you really from Wildwood, Florida, Craig? Nah, What? I'm straight out of Dakota, Georgia man. What's over there? What do you mean, Ray? You know, city life? Oh, you mean town stuff? "I'm writing this down, you know I can repeat it back to you if you'd like." That's not what I asked Ray smirked, still feeling a little annoyed. Craig looked as to what to say next, feeling confused over the smirk on Ray's face and then said, you don't have to do that, my man Ray and then mumbled under his breath. That's why I'm not too fond of Interviews. Okay, buddy! Let us take a break and pick this back up some time tomorrow. In the meantime, keep your spirits up. I know how you feel, man when it comes to being heard; it's hard to accomplish! You can say it later, and I'll write it. Thanks, Ray. I'll see you tomorrow.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Don't You Remember?

  Dear fans. Why are You always screaming? I hear from you! That's the point; we know you listen to us, we know you can feel our energy, we know you can feel our support, we know you can feel our love. We know you do, and we have always known you know. Why are we screaming? Don't you remember when it all started in the beginning? When were we all in the room as one? Don't you remember the times we didn't have to scream? Don't you remember the times we could look you right in your eyes and speak to you face to face? Don't you remember the times when we could hug you? Don't you remember the times we encouraged you and let you know face to face we are with you every step of the way? Don't you remember? Please tell me! Don't you remember? Nevertheless, that's why I'm screaming! Somewhere along the way, I started to cry so you could remember I'm still with you every step of the way as I have always been even though your actions have moved so far away. Don't you remember? I'm just your close friend that became your fan.

Does it really matter in my case?

"Uhh!" I felt as if I was part of this old wooden bed, woven into its smooth silk quilted fabric, unable to break free. I wondered...